Of the Turtle Clan; more begats

Okay found this posted on a branch of my family today on my birth father Edward Green's side. Funny thing that they remembered that we were native from the turtle clan but not that they were Mahican! (Sometimes call Mohawk...?) now considered nations first people of Canada. Eto oh Koam Mahican of the Algonquian peoples whose portrait was painted by Jan Verelst in London to commemorate his travel from New York in 1710 to meet Queen Anne of Great Britain with a party of other native leaders.

National Archives of Canada - Artist: Jan Verelst C-092421, C-092419, C-092417, C-092415)

National Archives of Canada - Artist: Jan Verelst C-092421, C-092419, C-092417, C-092415)

Sachem, Eto Oh Koam of the third Castle, Turtle Clan Mahican chief, related through

Caniachkoo, "Grietje" my 10th Greatgrandmother
 Birth 1585 in Alabany, Albany, New York, the colonies Death 1681 in Alabany, Albany, New York, the colonies (United States)

Her son my 9th Greatgrandfather: Jan Pietersen Van Woggelum* 1647–1719 Birth 1647 • Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands Death 8 APR 1719 • Staten Island, Richmond, NY, Colonial America

His Daughter my 8th Grandmother: Catharine Trientje elsje Jans Van WOGGELUM 1665–1772, Birth 1665 • Staten Island, Richmond, New York, United States, Death 1772 • Staten Island, Richmond, New York, United States

His daughter my 7th Greatgrandmother; Antje Iniaart 1690–1794, Birth 1690 • Staten Island, Richmond, New York, USA, Death 28 MAR 1794 • Cecil County, Maryland, USA

Her Daughter my 6th Greatgrandmother: Esther Craven, 1725–1804, Birth 26 SEP 1725 • Staten Island, Richmond, New York, United States, Death 29 MAR 1804 • Hartsville, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States

Her son my 5th Greatgrandfather:  Nathan Gilbert, 1750–1786, Birth 1750 • Warminster, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA, Death MAR 1786 • Berkeley, James, Virginia, USA

His son my 4th Greatgrandfather: Elias Gilbert, 1780–1837, Birth 1780 • Virginia, United States, Death 7 MAY 1837 • Lewis, Kentucky, United States

His son my 3rd Greatgrandfather: Nathan Gilbert, 1809–1872, Birth 1809, Frederick, Virginia, USA, Death 20 SEP 1872 • East Fork, Lawrence, Kentucky, USA


His son my 2nd Greatgrandfather: George Asa Gilbert, 1837–1915, Birth 1837 • KY, USA, Death 1915 • Concord, KY, USA

His daughter my Greatgrandmother: Anna Clair ( Gilbert ) Green 1870–1916, Birth 26 AUG 1870 • Concord, KY, USA, Death 2, MAY, 1916 • Maysville, KY, USA



Her Son my Grand father: David Lorenzo Green 1898–1984, Birth 31 JUL 1898 • Rob Town, Kentucky, United States, Death 04, JAN, 1984 • Wichita, KS, USA



His son my father: Elmer Edward Green 1933–1998, Birth 25 MAR 1933 • Cincinati, Ohio, Death 15 SEP 1998 • Bellflower, Los Angeles, California, United States of America


  • Mohawk Turtle Clan

  • Mohawk Chief Sachem of the Turtle CLAN   A sachem was a leader in the tribe, chosen from each clan to represent the Mohawk nation in the League of Five Nations which constituted the Iroquois. The beginning of the League is thought to be near the late 1500's. The first meeting was said to be held at Onondaga. The legendary founders of the league were Hiawatha and Daganoweda. This chief may have been one of the very first Sachems if that is true. The title Sachem means Counselors of the People. Three Mohawk Sachems were chosen from each of the three matricians of the clans, Turtle, Bear and Wolf. They formed the Council of the League which had legislative, executive and judicial power over the combined tribes. They were required to reflect their constituency and not according to their own personal feelings. The Formation of the Turtle Clan was told as a story about mud turtles in a small lake or pond. During an especially dry summer, the pool dried up. The turtles then had to walk to find a new source of water. One rather plump turtle had difficulty making this trip, since he was not used to exercising. The sun blistered his shell until the heat penetrated and blistered his shoulders. His pain caused him to throw off his shell. Now without his shell he was unprotected from the elements. He had to find shelter and make many changes in his life. He went through many transformations and eventually became a man. This man was said to be the progenitor of the Turtle Clan (Smith, E.A., Myths of the Iroquois. An Iroqrafts Publication, reprinted by I.P.A.C.S. Ltd of Oshweken, Ontario, Canada.).  The Turtle Clan (A'no':wara) is one of the principal clans of the Mohawks. Turtle symbolizes our entire Earth, and therefore is associated with respect of the Earth and Earth Elements. Approximately two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water, most of it in the form of vast salty oceans and seas. Even the continents have masses of freshwater lakes, marshes and rivers. Animal life is thought to have originated in the sea and many of the world's simplest and beautiful forms still exist in this environment (Burton).  The North American Continent is called "Turtle Island" in Native American mythology and legend. The world of the USA aboriginals lived on the back of the Turtle, much like Atlas was thought to have supported the world on his shoulders. Turtle Clan members are the examiners of the state of things within the tribal unit. They take issues to the Wolf Clan first and the Bear Clan second, only after the turtle sachems and wolf sachems have discussed a matter fully. Bear then studies the Great Laws and decide if the issue can be solved. Turtle teaches us to be patient with others, and to never give up on an issue worth fighting for. The Turtle clan is strong, wise and is well-respected.  Turtles are more ancient than any other vertebrate animal. Turtles carry their home on their backs. The shell is their backbone and ribs. Turtles are omnivorous. They eat insects, plants, fish, amphibians, and even small mammals on occasion. Turtle symbolizes peace of mind. Turtles have slow metabolisms and teach us to slow down. Turtle Clan members perform best in calm, ordinary and normal day to day activities. They do not like surprises. Turtle Clan people tend to withdraw themselves from others making it difficult to really get to know them. They are moody and tend to shy away from anything new. (Porter, Tom, Clanology. North American Indian Travelling College, 1993) The Turtle Clan is an earth clan. Turtle reminds us to care for, protect, and nurture Mother Earth. Earth people are said to be stable and constant in their opinions, ideals, and ideas. They are dependable and loyal, but with a tendency to become too rigid or stubborn. Turtles can live on both the earth and in water. Thus Turtle Clan members are reputed to be very adaptable to life's traumas.

  • "We Are All Related." http://www.angelfire.com/mi4/polcrt/Hiawatha.html

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Mohawk_Kings

  • https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/virtual-vault/4-kings/index-e.html

Full of Emptiness

Making love causes friction

A fire left alone will burn out

When one sleeps alone it's cold

With two sharing energy warmth is there

Our planet being so big it's good to hold hands

Intersecting circles forming a new shape

Symbol of united love the fish into a heart

Rock are smoothed by rubbing against another

Our rock is hanging in the vast empty space of the universe

With so much distance between each bit of matter

Theories about how many universes are hanging next to each other

Most of it full of emptiness

Maybe each set of universes making up yet a larger body that

Revolves again around another, in binary relationships

Each one unique, each one in its place, hung in demotions of time and space

Turning back cone on cones tip meeting at now, no now, no now…

Present and past interchangeable darkness into light, out into in

Not alone but relying on the other to be there, all in order

Gravity attracting bodies feeling the gravity of a star out of place

Why would you choose the cold knowing you've got a friend?



copyright~ LGHurcomb Tuesday, July 24, 2007

copyright  LGHurcomb

copyright  LGHurcomb

My Own Wings

my own wings

Shrouded in grief ..

A prophetic event started with a

Black winged, dark Angel perched on my roof.

On that starry night while naked I wore old Raven's red.

A serrated blade cut against my peach soft neck.

I defiantly refused phoning for help

Even though I gave a gallant struggle

He was always stronger

He swooped down gaffing off my souls heart of hearts.

Then reached in and touched my deep inner thigh with his fist

Breaking down my wombs scarred bondage

Healing me or wounding me, turning me back round,

Who knows now?

Purifying me in his internal mental hell,

But still unable to control my fire

A mirror image of me, yet not.

Opposite but perfectly representing self,

Male to female, dark to light, unfaithful to true

Unable to hold anything he's done against him,

Actions defining us both.

I can see now how obnoxiously

Pig headed I have been in my own past.

Genetically unable to request help.

Or believe in uncatched kindness

Now I guess "when pigs fly"

Is just an out dated phrase?

So bless me before dawn

Rename me, fitting ME

For angelic wings.

( do you see the words forming the shape of a feathered wing on it's side?)

Copyright~lghurcomb Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Angel on My Roof" 18 March 2008 ~LGHurcomb

"Angel on My Roof" 18 March 2008 ~LGHurcomb


In the darkness
With clouds hiding the stars
Dampness creeps into my bones
I feel age creeping over my once smooth skin
Once again alone, this time I don’t have baby fat to bounce back on


copyright  LGHurcomb


Copyright~ LGHurcomb 12 Oct 18

Copyright~ LGHurcomb 12 Oct 18

In the Eye

When I feel I’m being torn apart because
I've allow life's break neck winds to whipped me into a tizzy
I must remind myself to push a little further into the frenzy
Because the storm has a calm center
Then I can find rest in the eye of my hurricane


copyright  LGHurcomb



Word Crafting / Thanks for the Compliment?

On the day we said goodbye to mama I awoke at 3am

I wrote, “She had three daughters” because I couldn’t sleep

And prayed her spirit, my soul to keep

Like when Elisha expressed his wish, though, I did not watch her taken.  

I wrote to keep “the crazy” outside my silly head

Writing helped me realize she’s still here in us even though she’s dead

So I simply passed it on in verse or was it prose?

Mom’s pastor read aloud the tribute to my mother

Later he noted I had my mother’s gift, a well-meant compliment

Still I could not help but laugh inside

The gift wasn’t hers but our fore mothers, long coded in our DNA be it native or European

Producing Zealots, Huguenots, Quakers, Abolitionist poets,

Gospel lyrists, orators’, against such history I pale in compare

On which strand it is written I have no idea but it’s something terminal

But know its there sure as MC1R for red hair or EYCL1 for sky blue eyes

In our basic family polygenic traits. (Try getting that in a poem! i.e.… I AM great.)

I might add teachers, professors, artists, musicians and those with a scientific aire

And before it was written into our code to express our ideas (what lovely pushy lot!)

As stewards of the master each one given talents but these gifts are God’s only on loan to be wisely managed 

My baby sister smiled and said, “He just had no idea” still the thought was sweet

I came home only to find my own child posted “ Zelda” a poem celebrating her daughter’s first birthday

Stopping word crafting would be like trying to give up breathing

No wait it doesn’t stop there! Confirming my own belief in WdCRftp1-DNA

Copyright~ LGHurcomb 10 April 2011

A poet who went before me~ My maternal grandmother Alta June Warren @ age 16

A poet who went before me~ My maternal grandmother Alta June Warren @ age 16

12, June 2013

Us~ February of 2004

Us~ February of 2004

Today you would have been 50

 Next spring it will be 10 years. It was to soon.

A little farther from the pain but it never goes away

I still grieve for my friend but you’ll never have to age.

Your glasses are still sitting on my bookcase with your gloves on a book of your poems

I still hold your photographs and in a trunk I keep for your sake.

In it there are:

Your riding leathers, your Sabbath coat, your collection of my images,

A lock of my hair, guitar pick, and an ole blues slide bar,

The recorder you played for my round belly in our first bungalow.

The songs you wrote misspelled words and all and anything in your hand… written in your hand

and... other things.... I’ll never tell!

I don’t open the trunk often. It still seals in your scent. I just know it’s there.

I finished raising our kids.

Now greeting each new child who looks or acts like you in ways you’ll never know.

My friend I wish you didn’t go.

Happy Birthday on  June 12, 2013


copyright  LGHurcomb

Rick And I 1995

Rick And I 1995

Is There Room in me?

I am asleep rocked by the ages I can’t draw myself out of slumber

No matter how many good ideas I can conceive my talent chokes me

My ears open without hearing, my green eyes stare without sight

Flow away from me and cry no longer, surfing on blood of innocents

I am the melting snow baptizing my soul the wind begins to sing

Dancing on this shell hasn’t damage my pearls as of yet

One wing desperation one wing joy, with my heart I touch the sky

See if you can wake me to rhythm without a beat so I may sway

When a bike rides away with a fish

Doors wide open yet I still sit quietly inside

How can I be the vessel?

Copyringt~LGHurcomb 25 Sept 13

me March 2009copyright  LGHurcomb 

me March 2009

copyright  LGHurcomb


My wing

Funny that

He said, “find your wings”

The last one said, “fly little bird”,

The one before that just flew away himself without parting advice.

Love is crushing my soul yet again like a million billion times before

My heart just can’t seem to learn and I’m growing so sick, tired and old but

The good thing about breaking up is all the inspiration for bad poetry and art

He’s letting us unwind slowly; he’s moven on I’m tumbling through a free fall

My friends say, “bout time” lookn at me sideways to see if it’s true this time. Some

one else’s grass is greener, scent is sweeter, easier money to be made elsewhere

He calls so I tell him I love him, I miss him… and this is still a bonehead move

He tells me how he’s doing. His latest deal I wonder, who with.

Love’s a funny thing that doesn’t make me laf

And I realize I am alone again no home again

The illusion of a warm embrace has gone

 I feel the cold clutch of freedom

I’m told I should enjoy the quiet

Now I can be happy with out

Difficult controlling

People in my









The only difference between Angels and demons is attitude


Love and hate two sides of a coin both are passion

And each Angel has it’s own demon and each demon it's Angel

By LGHurcomb May 09, 2009




"Ride home with you I do or do not there is no try." Yoda uses the Mini force to free him from the thrift store. A perfect NERDY Valentine. 12 Feb 2013~ copyright~ LGHurcomb

"Ride home with you I do or do not there is no try." Yoda uses the Mini force to free him from the thrift store. A perfect NERDY Valentine. 12 Feb 2013~ copyright~ LGHurcomb




We see the light that bounces off,

Never really seeing each other.

All we can see is what has been

...shed a few moments ago

and then it's gone.


But, I capture your shadow and like Wendy

I'll keep it in my drawer

then maybe you'll fly back

asking me to

sew it back on.


Or maybe we were never here

and my drawer

has always been



Copyright ~L G Hurcomb 7/27/2012
