I am posting parts of emails that I have been asked questions from my body work clients about health and nutrition..... thought it might be good just to go ahead and post some of the info here on face book.
Remember to eat pears... they are know to lower blood pressure and up fiber. One pear provided a fourth of the fiber a person needs in a day.
Small changes make the biggest differences because we stick to them so find small ways to change your everyday way of doing things.
I recommend reading the coconut oil miracle ..... coconut water and young coconut meat are high in potassium and have other wonderful healing powers for the human body.
I suggest starting the day with a drink that helps clean and restore the body systems. Lemon and raw honey.... I use a large cappuccino cup. I put in honey and the juice of a lemon and hot water. I like it tart but you adjust it to your own taste. Drink as often as you like! make it by the pitcher full and drink all day. This mixture alone is a good healer but your rebuilding your body so you might want to add to this mix about 10 to 15 drops of Grapefruit seed extract. This can be purchased at whole foods. The GSE is very bitter and strong and should be added to juice to be taken. And notice i said RAW honey. Honey doesn't need to be processed as it's a natural preservative. When it's pasteurized it's healing enzymes are killed making it a dead food. The more local your honey the better it is for you because the bees have gathered it from local plants which will help heal allergies.
Garlic is also a wonderful healing food. Some suggest eating it raw but I live by the motto it must taste good or i don't put it in my mouth (works on several levels!) so I roast it and spread it on toast or add it to pastas.
You'll need to consume orange and dark green leafy veiggies several servings a day... to give your body what it needs to rebuild. Your asking your flesh to heal itself so you need to provide the raw materials for it to do just that. A good cheaters way is to drink a couple of naked juices... superfood. Pro biotic foods are also important. Kefir and yogurt being the most common. They are important because if your body can't brake down the foods to usable nutrients you can still starve even if your eating all the right foods!
Being active is also important so don't stop working out just change how your working out and what your doing. As you feed your body better it will become stronger.
I recommend walking outside! It relieves stress and builds bones. Yoga is a gift..... hatha or restorative yoga you'll be amazed at how a slow going activity can work you out. Swimming and water activities can also be useful for fitness as the water both supports and provides resistance!
some interesting links
I found this product at whole foods. It's easier then opening an actual young coconut.... and it costs about 2 bucks.
Not that I agree with everything but the have some good ideas.....http://www.prevention.com/cda/article/heal-yourself-with-food-recipes/08291e1fd9258110VgnVCM10000013281eac____/nutrition.recipes/nutrition.basics/foods.for.specific.conditions/
Remember when thinking about supplements if you can find a way to get it from food naturally it will be better then any pill.
oh and don't over look the importance of clean water.....
"Hypertension can be combated in many ways, such as quitting smoking, drinking alcohol or overweight. Water can also help lower this pressure, as blood is mainly comprised of water. If water levels drop, that can affect your blood pressure. So, drinking the healthy amount of water each say can maintain a healthy heart. Also, the kidneys clean the blood. If blood flow is limited to the kidneys because of lack of water or high blood pressure, it will think the body is low on water, and react by telling the brain to constrict veins and arteries, which will make pressure even higher."
Love you